Christopher Farr - Nurturing communities and building bridges to trade

As part of the Springtime Sessions, in partnership with the BIID, Christopher Farr host their long-term partners Turquoise Mountain – founded by His Majesty King Charles III – for an afternoon tea and talk event to highlight their work in reviving historic areas and traditional crafts, to provide jobs, skills and a renewed sense of pride.

Turquoise Mountain work in communities to preserve intangible cultural heritage and help to provide the framework for artisans to produce and sell beautiful and authentically made pieces. In turn, this generates income for the artisans and contributes to the livelihoods of their families. This guarantee of provenance allows more discerning buyers to buy with a social conscience, as well as procure individually crafted objects that make homes extra special and for designers to differentiate your project.

Turquoise Mountain creates jobs for thousands of weavers, most of whom are women and all of whom earn at least 10% above the market rate. Also partnering with Label STEP, a Swiss non-profit organisation, we can ensure a comprehensive set of fair trade standards, including good working and living conditions, fair wages, the prohibition of child labour, and environmentally friendly production. Through Turquoise Mountain’s partnership with Label STEP they offer access to health services, host group meetings to discuss women’s rights and international labour standards, ensure children are able to attend school, and we help female weavers to contribute to their community through their work.

The event takes place from 4pm – 6pm on Wednesday 27th April and is free to attend, but you must book a place.

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