This is the Chelsea Design Quarter partnership notice board.

Check this page for the latest internal news from other partners.

Changes to Website

The planned changes to the Chelsea Design Quarter website have now gone live.  As you might remember from previous correspondence they include the following:

  1. A Jobs section has been added. This section should work in the same way as the News section in that all members can add their own vacancies, and Hermione will then publish them. (Please let her know when you are ready for them to be published).   Hermione can also create listings from scratch.
  2. There are now buttons to directly link news stories, events and vacancies on to readers social media.
  3. The Facebook link has been added to the main site.
  4. The e-mail notifications you get from the website should now be from Chelsea Design Quarter and the logo shouldn’t come up as large as it was previously. (Please let Hermione know if this is not the case!)

Please let Hermione know if you have any comments about the changes or if there are any vacancies that you would like to be added to the jobs section.  She will be doing a social media post on the new section in the coming days.

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